Project Kickoff – the Perfect Start

Home The Savvy PM Blog Project Kickoff – the Perfect Start

What a remarkable way to start!

Check out this 11-second video from a soccer game:

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Harrison is a 5-A high school in the state of Georgia – that’s a big school with tough competition in sports.  It is extremely rare to score a goal from the kick-off of a soccer match.  Andrew Deltac (the player with the magic toe), his teammates, and coaches will never forget this…the perfect start!

Wouldn’t it be great to kick-off your project with such success?  …to have your team running around screaming your name and cheering wildly…?!   Ok, that last part may not happen, but you can boost your chances for project success with a strong start.

Here’s a tip: recruit a member of the executive team to the project kickoff meeting.  Ask that executive to share the vision and purpose of the project.

Our tip is based on a study performed by 2 authors.  Hiatt & Creasy researched over 300 companies and shared findings in the book Change Management – the People Side of Change.  Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

The number one success factor cited for implementing change is visible and active executive sponsorship.”

As a project manager, I want to kick-off my projects with a bang.  So, I’ll find the executive sponsor or the C-suite person who has the most at stake and invite that leader to the first team meeting.  I want that highly-recognized and influential leader to tell my team why this project is important, and how valuable their contributions will be.

Plan for a strong kick-off!  You may score an early, impressive goal!