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Krud Kutter: Dealing with “Two plus Two equals Waffles”

Home The Savvy PM Blog Krud Kutter: Dealing with “Two plus Two equals Waffles”

163 This weekend, I finally got off the couch and tackled a clean-up project that had been taunting me for months.  Green mold slowly accumulated on window seals and deck stairs over the winter months.  It was nasty.  Saturday was my day of reckoning.  I had to figure out how to get rid of the icky stuff without destroying the wood surfaces – Krud Kutter did the trick.  This product worked extremely well – yep, I’m a fan!

The company has a nice tag line: “Tough on Krud; Gentle on Nature.”

Many of my past software projects would’ve gone better if I could’ve used Krud Kutter.  It would’ve removed the slime from our data.  Let me explain.  I was involved in projects to install software systems for our Customers’ use.  These projects involved pulling the Customer’s data from a legacy system, loading the data into our software system, and running parallel processes to verify that all data and controls were setup correctly.

Invariably, these legacy systems had krud in them, such as bad data; illogical relationships; records that made no sense; stuff that basically says “two plus two equals waffles”.  When the old and new systems didn’t match, we had to analyze the differences.  I cannot tell you how many billable hours we wasted chasing problems related to bad data.

Over time, we developed better methods for testing the Customer’s information up front and sniffing out the bad information.  We were looking for ways to spray a solution on the data and make all the nasty, illogical records wash away, leaving us with clean, reliable data.  This discipline made our teams more valuable.

Bottom line: don’t be afraid to get “Tough on Krud” – your team and your Customer will appreciate it!