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The PMI-ACP℠ (Agile Certified Practitioner) Exam

Home The Savvy PM Blog The PMI-ACP℠ (Agile Certified Practitioner) Exam

VTEACH_PMPAPP_Cover_r3v1 I’ve been “heads down” lately. Writing is solitary work for me, and these days I’m trying to take at least one full day each week to retreat to the north Georgia mountains just to write. And here is the current object of my efforts.

I still have some work to go, but you can expect to see it later this year. I can’t remember enjoying writing something more than I’ve enjoyed this. Agile’s a fun topic!

The Agile Certified Practitioner exam is a certification for Agile managers. It isn’t going to contain a methodology. Rather, it’s going to apply to multiple methodologies.

So what is your wish list for this book? I’m interested in your thoughts whether you are an expert, a student, or a teacher.

The book will be available on Amazon, and I will keep you posted on progress!