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Alpha Project Managers in Jacksonville, FL

Home The Savvy PM Blog Alpha Project Managers in Jacksonville, FL

139 I am headed down to Jacksonville, FL today to speak to the Northeast Florida chapter. PMI chapter meetings never get boring for me. I’ve met some incredibly fascinating people through this, and I run into them just about everywhere, at airports, in other cities, in coffee shops. It’s always fun to reconnect with someone I met at one of these meetings.

Tonight I’m going to be talking about The Alpha Study tonight, along with some brand new research, so if you’re in the area, it would be great to meet you. The Alpha study has had a profound influence on me, both in my career and in my daily work. Getting to look at top project managers and to begin to understand how they do what they do caused me to take a hard look at my own beliefs and practices as a manager.

I’m looking very forward to sharing some of this with the Northeast Florida chapter this evening. If you’re in the area, it’s not too late to register or walk up. I hope to see you there!