As I’ve mentioned, I have 1 sister. She has 3 awesome kids. One recently climbed the Herndon Monument, and one just got married last Saturday – congratulations to Alysse and Mike!
Alysse and Mike make an amazing couple – they are devoted to each other, loving, generous…and they’ve both got a great sense of humor. Just check out this photo. When the couple visited the local government office to fill out a marriage certificate, they couldn’t resist snapping a picture. Consider the implications for a minute…you go to the same office to buy a marriage license and a PISTOL license. It’s not really clear to me, but the message seems muddled…
If you are married, do you need a pistol? Huh?! Is the sign implying that you are encouraged to buy BOTH at the same time? Maybe you receive a discount if you purchase 2 licenses during 1 trip? Or, it could be that I’m just behind the times. Perhaps a pistol is the vogue wedding gift for new brides… “Look girls: my honey bought me this cute Glock 9 millimeter when we got engaged. Isn’t it adorable?!”
Some things just don’t go together…
- Like jumbo and shrimp
- Like gourmet and “all-u-can-eat”
- Like black knee socks and plaid shorts (sorry guys)
- Like marriage licenses and pistol licenses…
Savvy project managers develop a sixth sense for this. They can tell when something is not adding up…when things don’t go together. It could be a report from the field or a technical explanation from an engineer. Or, you may relate to this one: you’re reviewing monthly charges and notice that someone other than your project team has allocated expenses to your project cost center…hmmm. We’ve probably all faced that before.
Ok, enough about pistols and licenses. One thing is clear to me: Mike and Alysse go together. It’s as natural as a smile, and as sweet as that wedding cake. May God bless your marriage! We’re happy for you!