Greetings from Miami!
Kaizen is one of Velociteach’s core principles. We have been very focused (maybe obsessed) with continuous improvement over the last 10 years. I don’t think a day goes by when the word Kaizen is not invoked in the office. We try to make small changes in the direction of improvement, and we try to do it frequently.
It is in that spirit that the Velociteach management team has retreated to Miami for five days to work to work on improving our interactions with our customers. We are examining every way we interact with you whether it is over the phone, in writing, electronically, or face-to-face, and we’re committed to improving those interactions. In the first few sessions we have uncovered some great ways to bring us closer to our customers and help improve your overall experience.
This is something easy to ignore – especially if you feel that you are doing a good job job already. It’s like the old saying goes – “good is the enemy of great.” This week we are focusing on being great.
Oh, and sunrises like the one below (yesterday from my hotel balcony) make the process that much more enjoyable.