Qualifying to take the PMI-ACPSP exam just got easier. March 26 2012, the Project Management Institute made minor changes to the qualifications for those applying to take the PMI-ACP Exam. Read all the details on PMI’s website.
The most significant change is this: you can go back 3 years to gather the required 1500 hours working on Agile project teams or following Agile methodologies. It was 2 years; now, it is 3.
Here is the explanation from the Certification Department at PMI:
The change from “project management experience” to “project experience” clarifies the type of experience required. While the description states that the certification is not limited to project managers, the “project management experience” requirement created some confusion by implying that we required experience managing projects rather than working on project teams.
PMI’s Pulse of the Profession research indicates that many organizations have not yet implemented agile practices widely. Therefore, to encourage as many early adopters as possible to amass the required experience, PMI is updating the eligibility requirement to a 3 year time span versus the current 2 years.
Speaking of Agile, we’ve got 14 practitioners in our Velociteach prep class right now…today is Day 2…Final Exam is this afternoon!
Yours in Agility,