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APCON Costa Rica

Home The Savvy PM Blog APCON Costa Rica

This week I am in Costa Rica in an area just outside of San Jose for the APCON conference. As you can see from the photo from my hotel room, it isn’t a bad place to be. This is a large Latin American congress on project management that is always very well run.

On Thursday, I am giving a new talk on team motivation that I am really looking forward to. The topic is a fascinating one, and it has been an area of particular interest for me over the past decade. With some of the great research and new theories that have been started by Csikszentmihalyi, Pink, and others, there is a world of great material out there. There is also some rich material to bring in from The Alpha Study.

The main point of my presentation is that most project managers believe that intrinsic motivators are the most effective for them but we indicate that extrinsic motivators are the most effective for our teams. This sets up an interesting problem. It should be a fun topic to explore.

If you are at the conference, please stop by.