Boot camps are known for the required determination and diligence of its attendees. Participation is imperative. Part of this derives from the fact that there is a time constraint. You have to achieve a lot in a limited amount of time.
If you’re like me, your mind might initially wander to military training when you hear the words ‘boot camp’. Now, I myself do not have military experience but the words paint this picture in my head of soldiers trailing through mud and scaling walls. It’s mostly physical work, but their determination is evident, and important when under a time limit.
Cross reference this with PMP training. Obviously, you won’t show up to class in uniform and expect to see a barbed wire obstacle course. It’s less physical, but it’s not lacking in the attentiveness required when you attend. A boot camp means you are putting your blood, sweat, and tears into one particular thing. In this case, that thing is the PMP Exam.
You are assigned a mission. 4 days to devote to PMP preparation. The fast-paced timing triggers this spirit and drive to achieve. It’s part of our formula to success. You only need 4 days! At Velociteach, our Boot Camp is a step above the rest. If you had any hesitations or fears when you showed up, you will leave with confidence. We give you all the gear you need to get you over the PMP mountain. You’ll be equipped with an instructor who has worn the boots before, and has the expert advice to lead the way.
Condensed learning can make many people hesitant. That’s because we are used to semester-long college courses or flashback to our 8am-3pm high school days. Try something new. You’ll be surprised by what you are capable of achieving in just 4 short days. Just leave the laziness at the door.