When preparing for a difficult test like the PMP Exam, it’s crucial to maximize your studies and preparation in the best way possible. The first strategy is to think back to your foundation of learning. What has worked best for you in the past? It may have been years since you were in school, or maybe you graduated yesterday! Either way, as communicators, we learn something new every day.
There are various versions and ideas of learning styles, but I’d like to briefly focus on the 3 most common:
Visual: Seeing is learning. Your memories are vivid images, and it’s easy for you to picture people, places, and things. Graphs, diagrams, and charts help you in understanding information.
Auditory: Hearing is learning. Remembering conversations comes easily to you. You might read aloud, or record lectures. Important information can be absorbed from listening.
Kinesthetic: Learning through moving, doing, and touching. Demonstrations are always helpful, but you can’t always stay in one place for too long. Your energy and focus is maximized during hands-on activities.
Most of us tend to be a mixture of these three, but in most cases, we have a dominant learning style. Personally, I’m dominantly a kinesthetic learner. The more rewarding courses I took in college were those full of projects and activities versus sitting in a lecture hall.
But, here is the real question: How do I channel my learning style for the PMP Exam?
Let’s start with our visual learners: Take your own notes, and use highlighters when doing so. Write down concepts step-by-step and envision these processes. Focus on videos, graphics, and charts. In the Velociteach boot camp, you’ll have access to our mind maps. This is a visual study technique that makes memorization come easily for you!
Auditory learners: Listen to audio books, and read through your textbook out loud. In class, ask questions and interact with your instructor. Have a friend help you study, and present material to them. Discussion and debate will help the material be memorable!
Kinesthetic learners: While reading your materials, have a separate notebook to write your notes in. Flash cards can be your best friend—so challenge yourself with tools like these. Take breaks often, and have music playing while you work. Your study environment is important. Also, like the flash cards, taking practice exams will also challenge you, and help you focus your studies.
This goes for all learners—YOU CAN PASS THE PMP EXAM! The material may be challenging, but studying shouldn’t have to be! Own your craft, and take studying to the next level: learning!