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Preparing for the PMP Exam: Tips and Tricks from Our Students

Home The Savvy PM Blog Preparing for the PMP Exam: Tips and Tricks from Our Students

bp 9 I hear from project managers on a daily basis, and by far the best comment in conversation is ‘I passed my PMP exam!’. The PMP exam is infamously known for its difficulty, so this is understandably a great achievement (I only wish I could high five you all through the computer).

Call it my analytical nature, but I always want to ask these recent PMPs: “HOW?”. So, after my congratulatory cheers, I try and figure out what study tricks and advice helped them pass their exam. They’ve been through the process, so what advice can they forward along to those that are about to just begin?

Here are a few recent quotes:

Definitely my advice would be: first, convince yourself that you want to learn the material to become a PMP for life and not only to pass the exam. Once you have that commitment to yourself. Create a schedule, so you set aside time to dedicate to your studies. Then study with passion, persistence and honest dedication. Of course using the “All in One Kit” of the PMP EXAM-How to Pass on Your First Try” by Andy Crowe. Enjoy your PMP studies!! J –Gustavo L, [Facebook]

Timed quizzes were helpful. I was able to get an idea of how I should spend my time on the actual exam.David L [boot camp class student]

“Good blend of teaching concepts, real world experience, and testing. – Brad B [boot camp class student]

…and finally:

“Don’t panic!”—Abki S [Facebook]

Well, sometimes easier said than done, Abki! With any exam (PMP exam included!), sometimes the most difficult part is discovering what study methods work best for you. It’s different for everyone. Try them all! Sometimes mixing it up can keep you focused.

Finally, find a mentor, or simply someone that will make sure to keep you in line with your studies. The advice from others that have been in your shoes can be the key to PMP exam success!