The Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam is Changing!

Home The Savvy PM Blog The Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam is Changing!

You read that right. Not only is the PMP exam changing soon but so is the PMI-ACP certification exam!

As many are already aware, the Project Management Institute (PMI)® is planning to roll out the Sixth Edition of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) in September 2017 which will result in the PMP exam changing in Q1 of 2018. Three related updates are not as widely known:

  1. The new edition of the PMBOK® Guide will for the first time be incorporating agile concepts into its pages
  2. PMI is also releasing the new Agile Practice Guide in September 2017
  3. The PMI-ACP exam is slated to also change in Q1 of 2018

With more organizations and practitioners increasingly embracing agile techniques for managing projects, it’s no wonder the PMI-ACP credential is PMI’s fastest growing certification and is projected to continue to increase in popularity. It’s been shown that organizations that are highly agile more likely to complete their projects successfully, per PMI’s 2015 Pulse of the Profession® report. Unlike other agile certifications, the PMI-ACP covers many different approaches to agile (such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, XP, and TDD) rather than focusing on just one specific methodology. Getting PMI-ACP certified will increase your knowledge of agile principles, practices, and tools while also making you more versatile in the job market.

Get certified before the change hits!

In our experience with PMI exams, anytime an exam updates it only tends to get more difficult. Velociteach wants to help you get PMI-ACP certified before this happens! Velociteach is offering a PMI-ACP training class September 28-29, and now through September 8th we are offering the class for 20% off when you use promo code GETACP20.

If an instructor-led class is not the right option for you, utilize our 120-question online practice exam and Andy Crowe’s textbook, The PMI-ACP Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try, to prepare for the exam via self-study. The 120 question online practice exam can also be purchased seperately without the textbook: