InSite PDUs on iPad or Tablet – new Risk course

Home The Savvy PM Blog InSite PDUs on iPad or Tablet – new Risk course

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Last week, we launched a 5-PDU course called Risk Management Fundamentals.  We’re delivering it through InSite, our online learning system.  You can take the course anywhere, anytime…and…on about any device

Mobile.  Yes, this course is mobile-ready.  Use your iPad2 or iPad3, Google Nexus, HP TouchPad, or other tablet.  You can work through the course on your laptop, desktop, or tablet – lots of options.

5 PDUs.  Don’t let your PMP expire!  Earn your 60 PDUs required every 3 years by PMI and avoid taking that PMP exam ever again.

PMI-RMP?  5 education hours.  This course covers the fundamentals of risk management – planning, identifying risks, analyzing those risks, tools to use, tips for successful risk management, examples and case studies.  You’ll earn 5 of the 30 education hours in risk management that are required for the PMI Risk Management Professional exam (PMI-RMP).

Take a look inside – see screen shots.