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New PDU Claim Process

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As of January 2021, PMI® has retired their Registered Education Provider (REP) program which caused all the associated training to also be “retired.” This may cause some confusion for those long-standing credential holders who have been submitting Professional Development Units (PDUs) for years. Rest assured, they can still be claimed, it is just as easy, and we’ve mapped out the new process for you! Keep reading or bookmark this post to save you time and frustration when it comes time to submit your PDUs.

First question you may ask is, “Do I still get credit for the podcasts I have listened to?” “What about the online course I am taking?” The short answer is, YES!

If you are tuning in to Manage This, taking any of our 65+ online courses through InSite, or attending an instructor-led class, the steps to submit those hours as PDUs have changed. The good news is that you can submit your PDUs in the same number of steps (just different), and we’re here to walk you through it.

Just like before, login to your PMI® account, head over to myPMI Dashboard, and select Report PDUs. Here is where the steps change. You no longer use the PDU Claim Code. Instead, select “Online or Digital Media” for claiming podcast episodes or “Course or Training” for live, instructor-led or self-paced, online courses.  The next few steps involve some simple copy and pasting. Yep, it is that easy!

We’ve created thorough step-by-step instructions for you. Click here for claiming Podcast PDUs and here for claiming online course PDUs.

*Update* We have heard some feedback that the PMI® dashboard still lists retired training as dropdown and autofill options. If selected, your submission will be rejected. To avoid this, please type in each field or copy and paste the information directly from our website. Do not select the prefill/autofill options. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and are working with PMI to get this fixed.  

We know change can be scary, but thanks to a year like 2020, we’ve all learned to pivot quickly and make the most of it.  Please reach out to us with any questions you have. Our customer support team is ready to help!


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Claim Podcast PDUs Claim Course PDUs