Crystal Kadakia

Home People Crystal Kadakia

Crystal is a two-time TEDx speaker, international keynoter, and best selling author, known for transforming the toughest workplace changes into exciting possibilities for our digital world. As an organization development consultant, she brings organizations into the digital age, leveling up people strategies in areas such as career development, learning culture, inclusion, leadership development, and employee engagement.

Past clients include General Mills, Southern Company,, Wells Fargo, and other organizations. She also brings deep training expertise as the co-creator of the Owens-Kadakia Learning Cluster Design model, that upskills the training industry to design modern learning, supported by ATD.

Crystal is honored to be a Power 30 Under 30, CLO Learning in Practice, and ATD One to Watch award recipient. Her academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a master’s in Organization Development. Originally from Austin, TX, she is now based in Atlanta, GA with her husband Jeremy, where they love immersing in nature’s way of life and cultural experiences.


Managing Millennials & Gen Z: Demystifying and Engaging Modern Talent